
Visit Us

Looking For the Right School?

As a parent, you know all of the ways your child learns best and the type of environment in which they will flourish. You want to find a place where your child can practice kindness and respect, make good friends, and build a strong academic foundation. But as you fill out forms, make phone calls, and research your options, it can be hard to get a good sense of a school’s culture and environment without planning a visit.

The Tour Experience

At Newtown Friends School, we want to make your visit an inspiring and valuable experience. Because choosing the right school is a personal decision, we've designed our tour experiences to also fit a range of needs and desires. From personalized, private tours to Open House events where you can meet other families, we want you to feel welcomed and supported in your school search.

Personal Tour

Our Admissions Director, Rebecca Niszczak, will warmly welcome you during a personal tour. During this one-hour visit, you’ll see the classrooms, learning centers, athletic facilities, and more. 

Visiting on a weekday provides an opportunity to see classes in action and can help you envision how your child can flourish at NFS. You'll meet our dedicated, caring teachers and staff that will support your child as they learn and grow.

Ready for your personal tour?

We’d love to meet you and your family! Schedule your tour with Rebecca.

Open Houses

Open Houses are offered by grade-level and provide a close-up look at our classrooms. Available on select Saturday mornings, at an Open House, you will see:

  • Classrooms and learning spaces
  • Gymnasium, Athletic Fields, and age-appropriate playgrounds
  • Art Studio, Design Lab, and Music Room 
  • Library, Auditorium, and more
You'll also get to meet our passionate and caring teachers, so your family can learn firsthand how we engage children in meaningful lessons that ignite a love of learning.

Open Houses are offered from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the following dates:

  • Fall Dates Coming Soon

Would you like to discover Newtown Friends School at an Open House?

Choose an available date by filling out our registration form. We’re excited to meet your family!

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I need to prepare for the tour? 

We encourage you to download our School Overview Brochures and prepare the questions you wish to ask during the tour. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions or clarify some things during the admissions process. 

Should I bring my child to the tour? 

While not required, we encourage parents to bring their child along on their tour so they can begin picturing themselves as part of the NFS community. They’ll also get a chance to meet teachers and familiarize themselves with our campus. 

How should I dress for the tour? 

We’ll be walking around campus for about an hour, so we recommend that you wear comfortable walking shoes. We may also do some walking outdoors, so dress appropriately for the weather.

Where do I park on campus? 

There are two designated visitor parking spaces right by our main entrance.

Where do I meet for the tour? 

When you arrive, please enter through the main entrance. There, you’ll be introduced to Becky Niszczak for your tour.

We’re Delighted You’re Considering Newtown Friends School.

If you’re ready to explore a caring and personal environment where your child will be challenged, supported, and mentored, we look forward to meeting you and your family. 

Questions? You may reach us at (215) 968-2225 or

Located In Newtown, Pennsylvania, Newtown Friends School is a Private School For Grades Pre-K-8th Grade.